Saturday, February 25, 2012

Meal Plan for Kaite Jacob, 10 yrs old.

Breakfast: -1 glass of starfruit juice (500ml)(1s fruit)
 -1 cheese sandwich with lettuce and sliced
   tomatoes_(1 1/2s R & A) (1/2s milk) (1/4s Veg)
Reason: Nutrients contained in the star fruit are vitamin Cprovitamin A (karenoid), minerals iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and pectin. Star fruit also contains good fiber to facilitate the digestion process. So that the fruit is good enough to serve as the fruit of supporting her diet program. Cheese contains calcuim which help build strong bones and teeth while lettuce and tomatoes are rich in nutrients and minerals.

Lunch:  -1 glass of soya milk_(1/2s milk)
            - 1 plate of Tomato Spaghetti with minced chicken, peas and celery_( 2s R & A)
               (1s of M & A) (1/4s Veg)
            -1 banana_(1s fruit)
Reason: Soya bean milk contains calcium like other dairy products which aids in building stong bones. Spaghetti contains complex carbohydrates for her energy needs. Peas and celery are rich in vitamins which helps to keep herself healthy. Banana is known to reduce depression, anemia, constipation, diarrhea, reduced risk of myopia, kidney cancer, blood pressure, avoids morning sickness, releases stress and many more.

Dinner: - Cream of Mushroom**

             -Salad which contains - Bolied Broccoli
                                                  - Boiled Corns
                                                  - Boiled Carrots _(1 1/2s Veg)
             -Salmon Fillet_(1s M&A)
             - Baby Potato_(1 1/2 R&A)
             - Mangoes**
             - 1 glass of Lime Juice**

Reason: Mushroom Soup contains mushroom which is known to cure and prevent diseases such as cancer. Salad contains various kinds of vegetables which could aid in building a persons immune system and gives a person dietary fibre and vitamins.The Salmon Fillet has a omega-3 fat which decreases the risk of numerous cardiovascular problems including heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure ans many more. Futhermore, research shows that omega-3 fat can decrease the risk of cancer, eye- related problems, gives joint protection and improves mood and cognition. Baby Potatoes are high in complex carbohydrates which can provide one sufficient energy for a longer period of time than food with simple carbohydrates.  Mango fruit is rich in pre-biotic dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and poly-phenolic flavonoid antioxidant compounds. According to new research study, mango fruit has been found to protect against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers. Lime juice can effectively aid in a person's digestion.

Meal Plan for Karren Jacob, 5 yrs old.

Breakfast: - 1 cup of milk (500ml) _(1s milk)
                  - 1 small bowl of whole grain cereal (coco crunch)
                    (can be mixed wif milk)_(1s R&A)
                 - 1/2 apple_(1/2s fruit)
Reason:  Milk contains calcium which is 
               important for strong
               bones and teeth. Wholegrain cereal   
               contains various 
               amounts of vitamins like Vitamin C, Niacin,  Pantothenic Acid, Vitamin B6,  
Riboflavin (B2), Thiamin (B1), Folic Acid (Folacin), Vitamin B12,
Calcium Carbonate and Iron that are necessary for health and growth. Apples can help to build immune systems and prevent one from being ill.

Lunch: - 1 cup of orange juice (500ml)_ (1/2s fruits)
             - 1 plate of Tomato Macaroni with minced chicken and
              carrots._ (1s R&A) (1/2s M&A) (1/4s Veg)
 Reason: Orange juice are high in vitamin C and          
              has  nutrients, containing anti-oxidant  
               as well. Chicken contains protein, which are
               necessary for human healthAlso, protein, amino acids,  
               vitamins D, B12, B3 and B6 and many more 
               nutrients are found salmon! Carrots are also rich in         
               nutrients and vitamins.

Dinner: - Cream of Mushroom**
             -Salad which contains - Bolied Broccoli
                                                  - Boiled Corns
                                                  - Boiled Carrots _(3/4s Veg)
             -Salmon Fillet_(1/2s M&A)
             - Baby Potato_(1 1/2 R&A)
             - Mangoes**
             - 1 glass of Lime Juice**

Reason: Mushroom Soup contains mushroom which is known to cure and prevent diseases such as cancer. Salad contains various kinds of vegetables which could aid in building a persons immune system and gives a person dietary fibre and vitamins. The Salmon Fillet has a omega-3 fat which decreases the risk of numerous cardiovascular problems including heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure ans many more. Futhermore, research shows that omega-3 fat can decrease the risk of cancer, eye- related problems, gives joint protection and improves mood and cognition. Baby Potatoes are high in complex carbohydrates which can provide one sufficient energy for a longer period of time than food with simple carbohydrates.  Mango fruit is rich in pre-biotic dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and poly-phenolic flavonoid antioxidant compounds. According to new research study, mango fruit has been found to protect against colon, breast, leukemia and prostate cancers. Lime juice can effectively aid in a person's digestion.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Daily Nutrition Needs. (of family)

Young Children- Children below 5 are extremely active. They are growing rapidly. Meals should contain protein , carbohydrates, calcium and nutrients that are necessary for health and growth.
       School Children- Children attending school lead an active and busy life . At this stage, they need enough carbohydrates for their energy needs , and protein to build their body. It is very important to ensure that they take regular meals. Breakfast is especially important as it is the first meal of the day.

Calories      2,500 kcals        1,940 kcals
Fat  Less than 95g       Less than 70g 
Saturated fatLess than 30g  Less than 20g   
Carbohydrate300g   230g
Salt Less than 6gLess than 6g

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What is a Serving? (Part 2)

Serving Sizes for Toddlers to Teenagers:

Food GroupsRecommended number of servings^ per day

7-12 months1-2 years3-6 years7-12 years13-18 years
Rice and Alternatives 
(Do include the recommended whole-grain serving as part of the Rice and Alternatives serving needs.)Whole-grains


½ - 1

1 - 2

2 - 3

2 - 3
Fruit ½ ½ - 1  1 2 2
Vegetables ½ ½ 1 2 2
Meat and Alternatives ½ ½ 1 2 2
Milk(Do include the recommended milk serving in addition to the Meat and Alternatives serving needs.)750ml 750ml 500ml250-500ml 250-500ml

What is a Serving?

-Serving size is the amount of a food or drink that is generally served. It is found on the Food Pyramid (Healthy Diet Pyramid) by the Health Promotion Board. (HPB). 

Serving sizes for adults: (in general)

-> Rice & Alternatives:      5-6 servings per day

(Do include the recommended wholegrain serving as 

part of the Rice and Alternatives serving needs.) 

Whole-grains  :                    2-3  servings per day

-> Fruit:                              2 servings per day

(Fruit should not be used to replace vegetables in the

diet or vice versa as they contain different kinds of nutrients.)  

-> Vegetables:                    2 servings per day

-> Meat & Alternatives:    2 servings per day

-> Milk:                              250- 500ml  

(Do include the recommended milk serving in addition to the 
Meat & Alternatives serving needs.)                         

The Link Between Nutrition & Diseases.

ØLacking and over-consuming of certain nutrients and vitamins can cause chronic problems such as coronary heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and cancer-related illness.

ØInsufficient or excessive amount of nutrition can lead to malnutrition.

Tips On Healthy Cooking

   ¨Use less oil. Choose oils higher in unsaturated fat.
   ¨Replace coconut cream or milk with reduced-fat milk
   ¨Use reduced-fat milk in beverages and cereals instead of    creamer and condensed milk.
   ¨Limit deep-frying to twice a week.

   ¨Cool soups, curries and stews to allow fat to solidify. Skim off the solidified fat before reheating.

   ¨Use fat spreads (e.g. peanut butter, margarine, butter,  cheese spreads and kaya) sparingly.
¨Choose soft margarine over hard margarine.
¨Replace meat dishes with tofu, peas and lentils on some days.
¨Use lean cuts of meat and poultry. Remove visible fat and skin.

Tips On Healthy Eating

¨Choose and prepare food with less fat , especially saturated fat.
¨Less salt , oil and sugar.
¨Eat lean meat instead of fat meat.
¨Eat more fruits and vegetables.
¨Drink plain water instead of drinking frizzy drinks.
¨Eat steam food , boil food instead of fried food.                                    

The Healthy Diet Pyramid


What is the use of the healthy diet pyramid?
The Pyramid helps you to choose what and how much to eat from each food group to get the nutrients you need and not too many calories, or too much fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sugar, sodium, or alcohol.  

 Following the Pyramid will help you keep your intake of total fat and saturated fat low. A diet low in fat will reduce your chances of getting certain diseases and help you maintain a healthy weight. 

The Pyramid is an outline of what to eat each day. It is not a rigid prescription, but a general guide that lets you choose a healthful diet that's right for you. 

The Pyramid calls for eating a variety of foods to get the nutrients you need and at the same time the right amount of calories to maintain or improve your weight.