Thursday, February 23, 2012

Daily Nutrition Needs. (of family)

Young Children- Children below 5 are extremely active. They are growing rapidly. Meals should contain protein , carbohydrates, calcium and nutrients that are necessary for health and growth.
       School Children- Children attending school lead an active and busy life . At this stage, they need enough carbohydrates for their energy needs , and protein to build their body. It is very important to ensure that they take regular meals. Breakfast is especially important as it is the first meal of the day.

Calories      2,500 kcals        1,940 kcals
Fat  Less than 95g       Less than 70g 
Saturated fatLess than 30g  Less than 20g   
Carbohydrate300g   230g
Salt Less than 6gLess than 6g