Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What is a Serving?

-Serving size is the amount of a food or drink that is generally served. It is found on the Food Pyramid (Healthy Diet Pyramid) by the Health Promotion Board. (HPB). 

Serving sizes for adults: (in general)

-> Rice & Alternatives:      5-6 servings per day

(Do include the recommended wholegrain serving as 

part of the Rice and Alternatives serving needs.) 

Whole-grains  :                    2-3  servings per day

-> Fruit:                              2 servings per day

(Fruit should not be used to replace vegetables in the

diet or vice versa as they contain different kinds of nutrients.)  

-> Vegetables:                    2 servings per day

-> Meat & Alternatives:    2 servings per day

-> Milk:                              250- 500ml  

(Do include the recommended milk serving in addition to the 
Meat & Alternatives serving needs.)